What is a Bravo PH Study?
This new technology allows physicians to accurately measure acid reflux for 48 hrs in the esophagus and correlate the acid level in the esophagus with the symptoms.
Patients will be asked to keep a daily recording of events such as eating, drinking, and lying down. Patients should also mark when and if they have any of these symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain, cough, or regurgitation.
Why is a Bravo PH Study Done?
The procedure is usually done to confirm the presence of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), particularly in cases where such a diagnosis is uncertain. For example, this test can be performed in patients who have typical symptoms of GERD but are not responding to standard anti-acid therapy. It can also be useful to establish or eliminate GERD as a cause for patients with symptoms that are not typically associated with GERD, such as chronic cough, sore throat, or hoarseness.
How Does One Prepare for a Bravo PH Study?
On the day of the procedure, do not eat or drink anything after midnight unless your doctor provides you with different instructions.
How is a Bravo PH Study Performed?
The procedure will either be performed at a clinic, endoscopy lab, or ambulatory surgery center. Often, endoscopy is performed to place the capsule in the esophagus, but there are other techniques used. After the capsule is placed, the doctor will apply suction to draw the tissue into the capsule. Then, the doctor will secure the capsule in place. While this is happening, you should not feel any discomfort or pain. The small receiver that has three symptom buttons: heartburn, regurgitation, and chest pain will be worn on your belt or waistband. After the attachment, the pager-sized receiver will begin measuring your pH levels in your esophagus. When you feel any heartburn regurgitation or chest pain, you will push the corresponding button.
All eating/sleeping records need to be recorded during the test in a diary.
What Happens After The Bravo pH Study is Done?
At the conclusion of the test, you will return the receiver and diary. A doctor will then upload the information and analyze the results. The information received will assist the doctor in diagnosing GERD and provide the appropriate treatment, if necessary. After a few days, the capsule will automatically detach and move naturally through your digestive system.
What are the Risks Associated with a Bravo pH Study?
- Failure of pH capsule to detach from esophagus
- Tears in the lining of the esophagus, which may require surgery
- Premature detachments of the pH Capsule