1. Can I drink alcoholic beverages?
We strongly suggest you do not drink any alcoholic beverages prior to your procedure since they can cause dehydration and some wines may thin your blood.
2. Can I brush my teeth?
Yes, please do.
3. Can I wear my dentures?
Yes, you may wear your dentures to the endoscopy suite. However, you may be asked to remove them prior to the procedure.
4. I have been instructed not to take anti-inflammatories or blood thinners several days before the procedure. What can I take for headaches and pain relief?
You may take Tylenol as directed.
5. What if I have a cold or cough?
If the procedure is elective, please notify our office as soon as possible so that your procedure can be rescheduled. Any patient with a fever or difficulty breathing on the day of the procedure will be rescheduled.
6. What if I forgot to stop my aspirin?
Please notify the M.D. prior to the procedure. In general, we do not need to reschedule procedures for patients who forget to stop their aspirin.
7. What if I forgot to stop my Coumadin?
If you forgot to stop your Coumadin, your procedure will be cancelled and rescheduled.
8. What if I am hypoglycemic?
You may try sucking on some sugar prior to the procedure. Please do not eat or swallow anything.
9. What if I am on an antibiotic?
This will not interfere with your procedure. Please notify the M.D. that you are currently on or recently took antibiotics.