What is “Radiofrequency Ablation of Barrett’s”?
Radiofrequency Ablation of Barrett’s is a specific technique used to treat Barrett’s esophagus. The technique utilizes radiofrequency ablation applied through an Upper Endoscopy.
Why is Radiofrequency Ablation of Barrett’s Done?
Radiofrequency Ablation of Barrett’s treatment is applied to patients who have developed a condition called Barrett’s esophagus, a pre-cancerous condition of the esophagus that can arise from long-standing gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). In particular, Radiofrequency Ablation of Barrett’s is given to patients who have developed certain changes to the cells in the Barrett’s tissue that poses an increased risk of cancer. The successful application can decrease one’s risk of developing esophageal cancer.
What are the Risks Associated With Radiofrequency Ablation of Barrett’s?
Complications from this procedure include mucosal laceration, esophageal perforation, infection, bleeding, and stricture formation. The overall complication rate is well under 1%.